Chords, Chords, Chords

A new concept for even more fun in playing the piano.


The book „Piano Chords Step-by-Step“

Written by Bernard Janssen & Uwe Scheid

piano chords step by step

Bernard Janssen with decades of international experience as a pianist, piano teacher, and a piano-tuner, he knows the difficulties encountered as a beginner playing the piano or keyboard without notes or lead sheets.

This book gives you a step-by-step approach through the key fundamentals that you need in order to freely play the piano through the knowledge of chords and chords symbols.

All major chords are shown in every key shown both as notes and as keyboard images.
The workbook provides both the beginners and the advanced pianist or keyboardist valuable assistance.

Have fun practicing
Bernard Janssen & Uwe Scheid


Piano Chords Step-by-Step (English version)

Price €27,80  including shipping outside of Germany( registered letter by airmail )

More information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Sommerkurs August 2025

03.08.2025 – 11.08.2025

Erleben Sie mit der Pianistin & Klavierpädagogin Pi-Jou eine intensive Musikfortbildung mit Einzelunterricht und Workshops.

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Filmmusik zum Imagefilm "Die schönsten Seiten von Bad Kreuznach" – musikalische Untermalung mit eigens komponiertem Thema in unterschiedlichen Arrangements.

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Available in China from September 24th, 2020 (in Chinese language)


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